Bhanu Prasad

I am Bhanu Prasad, currently serving as a Professor in the Department of Computer and Information Sciences at Florida A&M University (FAMU) in Tallahassee, Florida, USA, where I also served as the chair (head) of department in the past. I worked with software companies in India and in USA. Those companies include Infosys, Capgemini, and Oracle (some of them are merged/acquired, these are current names). I also served as an Assistant Professor of Computer and Information Sciences at Georgia Southwestern State University.

I received Master of Technology and Ph.D. degrees, both in computer science, from Andhra University and Indian Institute of Technology Madras, respectively. My research interests include Artificial Intelligence (AI) with a special focus on knowledge representation, intelligent information retrieval; and software engineering. I published around 100 refereed scientific papers, book chapters, or books in computer science. I successfully collaborated with several researchers and developers around the globe, and served as consultant for many software companies. I served as the primary thesis advisor for several graduate students, and served as a program committee member, co-chair, chair, editor, or editor-in-chief for hundreds of conferences, journals, or books. I presented invited talks and keynote speeches in several countries. My teaching interests include AI, operating systems, computer networks, software engineering, machine learning, computer organization and architecture, theory of computation, etc.

My office phone number is: 1-850-412-7359, and my personal email address is: bhanupvsr[AT] Apart from my job and other professional work, I spend time with friends and family members, jogging, and visiting India when time permits. Some of my pictures from India are: picture 1, picture 2, and picture 3.

My LinkedIn, Google Scholar, Researchgate, and DBLP

Some of my Publications

     Some of my books:

           Foundations of Software Engineering

            Soft Computing Applications in Business

             Speech, Audio, Image and Biomedical Signal Processing using Neural Networks

    Some of my research papers:



NOTE: This is Bhanu Prasad's personal website and it has no relation with any other person or entity.  All rights reserved.